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Monday, August 27, 2012

Membuatkan lampu keyboard anda berkelip-kelip seperti lampu Raya.

Note:- I'm sorry, because I'm not wrote this article in English. if you want to read it you can use google translate.tq.

Baiklah mari kita mulakan sila salin kod di bawah sama ada versi 1 (Laju) atau Versi 2
--------------------------------------Start Code versi 1 (Laju)----------------------------------------
Set wshShell =wscript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
wscript.sleep 100
wshshell.sendkeys "{CAPSLOCK}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{NUMLOCK}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{SCROLLLOCK}"
---------------------------------------------End Code---------------------------------------------------
--------------------------------------Start Code versi 2 (Pelahan)------------------------------------
Set wshShell =wscript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
wscript.sleep 200
wshshell.sendkeys "{CAPSLOCK}"
wscript.sleep 100
wshshell.sendkeys "{NUMLOCK}"
wscript.sleep 50
wshshell.sendkeys "{SCROLLLOCK}"
---------------------------------------------End Code---------------------------------------------------
Setelah di salin pada salah satu versi, sila lekatkan(Paste) pada “notepad” anda. Seperti
gambar di bawah:-

Kemudian sila klik pada “File” --> “Save As…”

Setelah itu satu kotak “Save As…” akan muncul pada skrin anda.

Sila klik pada “Desktop” kemudian berikan nama “Lampu.VBS” dan klik “Save”

Kemudian anda akan melihat di desktop akan muncul seperti gambar di bawah:-
Sila dwi klik pada “Lampu.VBS”
Setelah itu anda akan dapat melihat Lampu pada keyboard anda menyala seakan-akan
sedang menari.

Untuk kembalikan kepada Normal anda harus “Right click” pada “taskbar” anda dan pilih
“Start Task Manager”

Kemudian satu kotak Task manager akan terpapar di skrin anda.
Sila klik pada perkataan “wscript.exe” dan kemudian klik pada “End Process” dan satu
kotak “Windows Task Manager” akan terpapar pada skrin dan menayakan “Do you want
to end ‘wscript.exe’?”

Sila klik pada “End Process” dan akhirnya keyboard anda kembali kepada normal.

Atau cara lain untuk kembalikannya kepada normal adalah “Log off” komputer anda
kemudian masuk kembali.
Selamat mencuba…

Monday, December 27, 2010

Search Hidden ip Address in the website

at the url, such as google or yahoo or youtube just have a web server. but do you know they have another servers..? like data server or DMZ server...

ok open your command prompt
at the command prompt please type the code below:-

----------------------the code-------------------
nslookup -quirytype=any google.com
--------------------end code---------------------

note: you can change google.com to another website name.

NOTE : - Please Give a credit to my blog if you take the idea from this blog. Peace:-)

Thursday, August 5, 2010

The Real Size of Your Hard Disk or Flash Drive

hi there,

Do you ever Bought harddisk or flashdrive/thumbdrive at the computer shop...??
what size that hard disk or flashdrive...?? 1GB? 2GB? 80GB? 160GB? 250GB? 1TB?

when you attach your Harddisk/flashdrive on the computer,did you notice that your harddisk or flashdrive size, it not enough from the real size that you bought...here you are not being cheated or that device is corrupted...

OK now i will explain in detail what is happen..

Look at the picture above, it show the size of harddisk on partition
kecik88[G:\] is 37.27GB = 40GB(if we bought from computer shop)...

How the calculation:-

40GB = is a DECIMAL number(we read using basic number) while
37.27GB = is a BINARY number(the computer read using binary number)

40GB x 0.931323 = 37.25292GB
80GB x 0.931323 = 74.50584GB
120GB x 0.931323 = 111.75876GB
160GB x 0.931323 = 149.01168GB
250GB x 0.931323 = 232.83075GB
320GB x 0.931323 = 298.02336GB
500GB x 0.931323 = 465.6615GB
750GB x 0.931323 = 698.49225GB
1024GB(1TB) x 0.931323 = 953.674752GB

For Thunmbdrive/flashdrive

128MB x 0.931323 = 119.209344MB
256MB x 0.931323 = 238.418688MB
512MB x 0.931323 = 476.837376MB
1024MB(1GB) x 0.931323 = 953.674752MB
2GB x 0.931323 = 1.862646GB
4GB x 0.931323 = 3.725292GB
8GB x 0.931323 = 7.450584GB

For the vice versa calculation is:-

7.45GB x 1.073741 = 7.99937045(need to rounded to = 8GB)
1.86GB x 1.073741 = 1.99715826(need to rounded to = 2GB)
232GB x 1.073741 = 249.107912 (need to rounded to = 250GB)
and so on....

how can get the number 0.931323 and 1.073741..??

ok how can it get the number 0.931323 and 1.073741...

here the calculation:-

1024^3 = 1.073.741.824
1024^-3 = 9.313225746(need to rounded to 931323)

ok did you understand now..? the number 1024 is a change between measure....
Why ^3 and ^-3 is
conversion from GB-->MB-->KB(this is for ^3) or conversion vice versa from KB-->MB-->GB(this is for ^-3)

^3 = conversion from BINARY to DECIMAL
^-3 = conversion from DECIMAL to BINARY

example for ^3 is 1.073741:-
37.25 x 1.073741 = 39.99685225(rounded to 40GB)

example for ^-3 is .931323:-
40 x 931323 = 37.252920GB

^ =power(in mathematics)

so this is the knowledge i has learn...i just want to share with you all.....
NOTE : - Please Give a credit to my blog if you take the idea from this blog. Peace:-)

Make your own Task Manager with batch file

Please open your notepad and copy the code below

@echo off
mode 33,25
Title Process Manager
CD /D "!TEMP!"
set "TASKLIST=%windir%\system32\tasklist.exe"
set "FIND=%windir%\system32\find.exe"
set "wmic=%windir%\System32\Wbem\wmic.exe"
set "Explore=%windir%\explorer.exe"

set num=0
echo.[ Process Name ] [ PID ]
if not defined NAME set NAME=%USERNAME%
!TASKLIST! /FI "USERNAME eq !NAME!" /FO TABLE /NH >"plist.txt"
for /f "tokens=*" %%a in (plist.txt) do (
set /a num+=1
set "list=%%a"
set "list=!list:~0,32!"
Del /f /q "plist.txt" >nul 2>&1
Title !NAME! - [!num!] Process Running.
if not defined ac (
if /i "!NAME!"=="%USERNAME%" goto :USR
if /i "!NAME!"=="SYSTEM" goto :SYS
if /i "!ac!"=="K" goto :Kill
if /i "!ac!"=="S" goto :SYSTEM
if /i "!ac!"=="U" goto :USER
if /i "!ac!"=="E" goto :Explore
set "ac="
GOTO :Reload

set "NAME="
set "ac="
GOTO :Reload
echo.CH : K=Kill, S=System, E=Explore
set /p "ac=Action : "
GOTO :Reload

set "ac="
GOTO :Reload
echo.CH : K=Kill, U=User, E=Explore
set /p "ac=Action : "
GOTO :Reload

echo.Type PID to Kill..
set "ac="
set /p "PID=PID : "
if not defined PID goto :Reload
Taskkill /F /PID !PID! >nul 2>&1
if errorlevel 1 (echo.No Task Running w/ this PID.) else (
if !PID! geq 0 if !PID! lss 10 (
echo.Can't kill Critical Process
goto :clr_var2
) else (
echo.Success : Task with PID=!PID!
echo. has been KILLED..
set "ac="
set "PID="
GOTO :Reload

echo.Type PID to Explore..
set "ac="
set /p "PID=PID : "
if not defined PID goto :Reload
if !PID! lss 10 goto :clr_var
if !PID! gtr 10000 goto :clr_var
!wmic! process get ProcessID,ExecutablePath >"path.txt"
for /f "tokens=1,2 delims= " %%a in ('type "path.txt" ^| !FIND! " !PID! "') do (
set "exepath=%%~dpa"
if not defined exepath (
echo.No Task Running w/ this PID.
) else (START !Explore! "!exepath!")
set "PID="
set "exepath="
Del /f /q "path.txt" >nul 2>&1
GOTO :Reload

----------------------------End CODE-------------------------------------------------------

then paste to your notepad and save as "Task Manager.bat"

NOTE : - Please Give a credit to my blog if you take the idea from this blog. Peace:-)

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Virtual Partition with batch file to "Z:\"

Please open your notepad and copy the code below
@echo off
If Exist Z: goto next
subst Z: \.
goto last
subst Z: /D
-----------------------end code-------------------------
then paste to your notepad and save as "Change to Z.bat"

and copy your "Change to Z.bat" into your desire partition such as C:\, D:\, E:\, F:\ and so on...
then double click to active it, and oen your "Computer or My computer on start menu", and to deactivate please double click again to that file.

NOTE : - Please Give a credit to my blog if you take the idea from this blog

How to do a calculator with your batch file

please open your notepad and copy the code below
echo off
echo This is multiplication calculation
set/p "user=FirstNo=>"
set/p "pass=SecondNo=>"
set /a a=%user%*%pass%
echo so the answers is = %a%
pause >nul
---------------------------end code---------------------------

then paste to your notepad and save as "calculator.bat"

*note = you can change * with +,- and /

NOTE : - Please Give a credit to my blog if you take the idea from this blog

How to open your website using batch file

Please open your notepad and copy the code below
@echo off
start iexplore www.fareast187.tk
ping localhost -n 2 > nul
start www.fareast187.blogspot.com
ping localhost -n 2 > nul
start www.facebook.com\fareast187
ping localhost -n 2 > nul
start www.youtube.com\faiz187downset
------------------end code----------------------------------

after that paste to your notepad and save as "open website.bat"

NOTE : - Please Give a credit to my blog if you take the idea from this blog